‘Live In Berlin’
Get ready for a mega Headcat drop as you comb your quiff with engine grease because Headcat have not one but three releases. Firstly theres this here ‘Live In Berlin’ recorded at Huxleys way back in 2011 as well as their second studio collection ‘Walk The Walk…Talk The Talk’ and the previously released ‘Dreamcatcher’ live at Viejas Casino 2008 previously only out on Vinyl now on CD wheras the other two are on both vinyl (for the first time) and CD. So, fill yer boots.
If you didn’t know, Headcat was the roots Rock n Roll three piece started by Lemmy ably assisted by the Stray Cats can thumper Slim Jim Phantom and picking the six strings Danny B Harvey. Essentially Lemmy always said his day job band just played loud Rock and Roll – well his bit on the side does the same thing but maybe not quite as loud but tipping Lemmys Stetson to the originals who paved the way and invented the genre we know and love called Rock n Roll. Sure Lemmy rasp is loose and casual but man when he wanted to he sounded like the most authentic Rock n Rolling young man (well, not so young) but the love and attention to detail in these songs is obvious for everyone to hear. It’s in your soul and no matter how hard one tries to fuck it up it can’t be done and the cream will always rise to the top. whilst the studio stuff is interesting and pretty damn cool live they were a pretty awesome six-legged beast as ‘Live In Berlin’ testifies.
Twenty-one tracks of sublime original rock n roll from ‘Something Else’ through ‘Let It Rock’ via ‘Fools Paradise’ you know the drill and by the time you get to ‘Blue Suede Shoes’ you’ll have had a blast and probably want to do it all over again. A fantastic time capsule now available to cherish forever. God blemm you Lemmy Kilmister.
Buy ‘Live In Berlin’ Here
Ok, one live album down the other to go. Whilst the set is a little shorter this eighteen-track offering (even if one is band introductions) it doesn’t replicate all the tracks off the Berlin show which was recorded only a few years later. But what this lacks in quantity it sure as shit makes up in quality with a romp through ‘Route 66’ and ends with ‘Crossroads’ it has ‘Rock n Roll Will Save You’ and ‘Fight For Your Life’ which makes it equally covetable. the sound is of course as you’d imagine – impeccable and just as you’d imagine these three mates to sound. Another CD another must-have.
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‘Walk The Walk…Talk The Talk’
Finally, we close off this hattrick of releases with the studio album ‘Walk The Walk’. With expanded sleeve notes this album rocks. Its three mates having a ball cutting a disc doing what got them into this trouble in the first place. Sure Lemmy ain’t no choirboy but boy does he deliver these classics with gusto and attitude befitting the magnitude of the task in front of him. These are the foundations that went on to enable ‘Ace Of Spades’, ‘Love Me Like A Reptile’ ‘Stray Cat Strut’, and ‘Rumble In Brighton’, and its a bit of fun. I’m sure these cats could knock out volumes of these songs in their sleep and we are lucky enough to have several records of it both in the studio and live. Get on it and play it to your kids, it’s only Rock and Roll.
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Author: Dom Daley
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