dRecorded in Paris ‘The Black Sessions’ is nine Dinosaur Jr classics performed at arguably the band’s 90s peak as a live outfit. Recorded at Maison De La Radio in Paris on March 2nd 93 this is pressed on coloured vinyl and this is the first record release. Produced in conjunction with the band and INA, France. A companion piece to 2022’s best-selling ‘Seventytwohundredseconds’ MTV EP. The record kicks off in style with an epic ‘Quest’ From the fuzzed up laid back Bass intro this is a pretty epic take on what should be a slacker anthem with a mind-blowing delivery thats as heavy as an anvil but velvet to touch courtesy of Mascis and co who it has to be said is on killer form throughout these sessions. ‘The version of ‘Just Like Heaven’ is rampant again driven in part by the huge thump of the overdriven Bass but the guitar playing is amazing. ‘Freak Scene’ has always been one of my favourite Dinosaur Jr songs and here it’s wild and barely in control but sounds vibrant the solo is insane. Where You Beens ‘Get Me’ is a particular highlight but closing off this recording with tracks from ‘Budge’ from the ‘Bug’ EP and closing with ‘Thumb’ off ‘Green Mind’ and none of the singles like ‘The Wagon’ or ‘Start Choppin’ in sight would love to know if they played more but what we do have from this session is a band absolutely flying and its worth it for the solo on ‘Thumb’ it’s like Mascis is trying to tame a rampant bull thats on steroids. Whipping the living shite out of his guitar its truly a thing of beauty. Obviously, if you’re a fan this is a no brainer and to go alongside what’s already been released this year as a solo offering it’s a reminder that Mascis’s day job as the voice and guitarist in Dinosaur Jr was and still is compelling and a magnificent thing and back in their heyday they were a magnificent beast
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Author: Dom Daley
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