The band Midnight’s alter ego tribute to Motörhead! is a 10-track monster. Midnight makes no apology for paying tribute to one of the greatest loud Rock and Roll bands ever. Think Bomber think Ace Of Spades think the classic trio of Kilmister, Taylor, and Clarke this could be the album they never made but should have.

If you’re on board with all things Midnight, and you know what a talent Athenar is then you’ll not have any doubt about how good this album is. With song titles like ‘Leatherbound Glory’, ‘Below The Law’ and ‘On The Loose’ you know where this is coming from. Its NWOBHM with bite, its denim nut huggers and leather gloves its stripped down and loud – fuckin lovely!

‘Thundercharger’ is the opener Charger wish they had in their arsenal. Riff hard recycle used old school riffs and middle eights the odd drum fill that you think you’ve heard before (you have) and always raise a fist and yell for Lemmy when you thump the four string low end make it distorted and punchy but always remember to Roll with your Rock. that’s Whitespade.

‘Below The Law’ is the tip of the hat that the classic Motorhead deserve its an absolute beast and proves that Athenar has the chops and has the suss to deliver this with a tonne of authenticity and make it sound essential listening like he’s invented Hard Rock.

There isn’t a bad track on here from front to back it’s a banger. ‘Fast Lane To Nowhere’ slows things down to a ‘Metropolis’ speed where the tempo is more of a groove and is a great tune in the middle of the set.

Of all the tracks ‘On The Loose’ is a familiar riff as is the riff of ‘The Strangler’ but that’s the deal it’s a tribute to how Motorhead used to do things back in the late 70s – God, it’s been a while over forty years, maybe the time is right for a resurgence of hard n heavy Rock n Roll and if this is the benchmark then bring it on. Let’s have a new Tank and Warfare push through. They did save the best til last but holy moly ‘Leatherbound Glory’ is the jewel in the crown an absolute stone-cold champion of a track from the lick to the breakdown all the way to those lyrics, Greasy and slick! fuckin right it is and Lemmy, Phil and Fast Eddy would all have got it and been touched with the tribute. Now don’t delay get over to Bandcamp and pick up a copy on whatever format is left.

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Author: Dom Daley