Kevin K returns in 2024 with ‘Rosewood’ – a ten-song collection to backdrop a world set with tension, AI advances and an ever-decreasing circle of real honest Rock n Rollas. That’s what the Double K and his record label want you to believe but it’s not as bad a picture as that intro might suggest, no sir. We at RPM know that it’s out there still kicking and screaming but it might be harder to find which is why we’re here and I guess why you’re still reading this here review.

Prolific Punk Rock n Roll lifer The Double K loves a Riff and ‘Rosewood’ has plenty throughout its ten tunes. Rockers, steeped in da blooze baby plus the quieter moments that find KK at his most reflective and openhearted. The format of bittersweet songs leaning heavily on his heroes such as Big Star, Johnny Thunders, the Replacements and the Stones are present and accounted for which is the staple of Kevin’s repertoire and thank God for that keeping on keeping on.

Double K has always kept close to his NYC roots and sung about his early formative years and those halcyon days are still his staple call it retro or nostalgia, for lifers like Kevin K it’s all he knows and the well can never run dry due to its rich past. The record is probably Kevin K at his best to be fair and sounding live is a real benefit for these songs no longer having to lean on a drum machine Kevin has embraced the modern world and on ‘Rosewood’ delivered a kick-ass record and captured what’s in his heart really well.

The opener ‘Sometime In The Rain’ has a great hook and melody and the wall of guitars sounds vibrant and alluring. Sure Johnny Thunders would approve but that’s the point. ‘What Will I Do’ is aggressive whilst ‘Last Train Home’ is more laid back but the rawness carries the song home. ‘Moving On’ has plenty of swing from the hypnotic riff and the fact that he resisted the temptation to rock out with the rest of the band is what makes it.

‘How I Feel’ is a really dirty Steve Jones kinda riff built around a Stooges groove. It might share a title with The aforementioned Stooges but ‘I Feel Alright’ comes out windmilling those riffs and one of the best tracks on offer here. There’s room for a loose take on ‘Brand New Cadillac’ and I do like the Thunders inspired guitar solo – very nice.

The album closes on the reflective ‘My Time Has Come And Gone’ and we’re done. The only acoustic song on the album and classic Kevin K, wrapping up a really impressive album from the man which only leaves me to say if you know Kevin K and like what he does then this is a no brainer and if you’re here for your first time then this will impress. always good to hear new music from Kevin K and smile at his cat-inspired artwork. head over to Bandcamp without paws and pick up a copy and act like you’re the cat who go the cream.

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Author: Dom Daley