Of course its on Pirates Press for they’re the perfect label for some excellent polished oi meets street punk rock n roll. From the opening verse and chorus of ‘The City’ you’re already singing along with the gang on this rather fine slice of street punk.  Including past and present members of The Swingin’ Utters, The Beltones, Roadside Bombs, Hometown Addiction, Resilience, The Burdens, and more. They were formed at the beginning of the pandemic, and have the mission statement of playing roots rock n roll with a bootstomping rhythm and a fistfull of top tunes. You know what, they delivered exactly that.

Its got a spit and polish of some guys who’ve been around the block once or twice and know how to make a gret sounding record. Each of the ten tracks is powerfully delivered and arranged to perfection. Early doors you have the bass thumping runaway train that is ‘War’ I get shades of Living End in the arrangment but by the halfway point the songs are varied from the uptempo rock of ‘BNO’ to the melodic ‘Dead Generation’ with its strong message and gang vocal chorus it sounds like the perfect band for a good saturday night out with mates checking out the rock n roll show.

They even have time to slow things down for the intro of ‘Little Girl’ before it soars like a good SLF song. The upside of those long arduous lockdowns was a lot of bands were forced to work on their craft and out of all that isolation we have albums like this. ‘Good Riddence’ is a strong rock song no fuss or pretentions just five guys kicking out the jams. ‘King Of The Avenue’ is a strong avenue from top to bottom and they even find the time for a punk rock roots take on ‘Hungry Heart’ which they do very well to be fair leaving only ‘Nothing Wrong’ to sign this project off with as they ride off into the distance with a hot rod snarling rocker. If you like your Californian Punk Rock n Roll loud and full of melody with uplifting choruses that the gang can all get involved in then Hunting Lions might just be your new favourite band.

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