So here we go 2024 and The Dictators are back in the ring swinging but let’s first address the elephant in the room. This is Andy Shernoff led Dictators no Handsome Dick Manitoba. So regardless of the why and whereforths or who did what where when and why I’m gonna review this with an open mind like the Dictators are brand new band and the baggage is left outside the studio door.

‘Get The Band Back Together’ is a sprightly opener on this ten-track proto-punk record and a jolly decent introduction it is too. Welcome to 2024 The Dictators are in da Mofo Funkin house. To be fair the tempo is fist-pumping heart-racing stuff and the energetic gang vocals on ‘My Imaginary Friend’ is most welcome and the production is massive and really helps create a really good energy. Sure they’re not here to reinvent the wheel but more designed to show the listener that these guys still have the chops to deliver good old school hard rockin punk n roll with the best of em and to be fair they deliver throughout. Its clear the MO was to rock out, do it to the best of your ability and leave nothing behind and as far as that goes it’s job done. I really enjoyed ‘All About You’ and this one showcases a really strong lead vocal on a song that is as good as anything the band has in the catalogue. Stick to what you know is always a safe and authentic move and songs like ‘God Damn New York’ hammer this home. It’s got a beating Big Apple heart and the chorus is something you’ll be punching the air to and that is always welcome be it the 70 or the 2000’s its great to hear. I guess this album does exactly what you wanted it to, if you’re a fan from the old days or you’re a more recent disciple looking for a fix from a band who knows who and what they are and just delivers.

The world is always a better place with bands like this making albums and writing new material as good as this and to close the album off there’s a tribute to one of Noo Yawks finest – ‘Sweet Joey’ is a tribute to the one and only Joey Ramone and a really good tribute it is too with heart-felt lyrics and some great riffage from Ross The Boss. Don’t worry about the politics of the band just play the record and appreciate how damn good it is, it’s only Rock n Roll baby and I like it.

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