It must be Christmas time, The Eureka Machines are having a shindig at The Brudenell, and you’re all invited!
Yes, Chris Catalyst may well be everyone’s go-to sidekick these days, whether he’s playing with The Sisters Of Mercy, Ugly Kid Joe or even a Nameless Ghoul in Ghost, you may well have seen him play without even realising it. But the Leeds based singer/songwriter has his own “funny little band” called The Eureka Machines, and every now and then they come back to remind everyone how good they are. This is one of those times.
Late additions to the bill are Manchester alt punks The Empty Page and they have the grand job of opening proceedings tonight. Ex Obsessive Compulsive duo Kel and Giz are back with an impressive new album entitled ‘Imploding’ and it’s nice to catch them live for the first time in many years.
With hypnotic, effect-ridden guitars, throbbing goth bass and Siouxsie Sioux/PJ Harvey vocals the 3-piece band deliver an energetic set that veers from Sonic Youth/The Smiths style indie floor fillers such as ‘You’re Tame’ to energetic, punky blasts of noise like ‘Dry Ice’.
There’s a punk poetry element to Kel’s lyrics and delivery, matched with Giz’s clever guitar lines it makes for an exciting live experience.
This is the first time I’ve seen The Virginmarys perform as a two piece and I was wondering how the dynamic shift would work in a live setting.
With the duo stage front, drummer Danny Dolan grips his sticks tight and haunches over his kit, like a boxer waiting to throw the first punch, his eyes focused on his partner in crime Ally Dickaty, waiting for the signal to count in the opening barrage of beats and riffs that make up ‘You’re A Killer’. The pair are mesmerising to watch and the sound that emanates from a single guitar, a voice and a drum kit is as full and intense as any rock show I have seen.
‘Lies, Lies, Lies’ follows. Rawer, yet just as powerful as the album version. Danny pounds seven shades of shit from his kit while Ally spits diatribes with the guttural rage usually reserved for the likes of Slipknot (who incidentally are playing a short walk from the venue tonight). Two songs in and The Virginmarys are sounding freaking intense.
Tonight, they play pretty much the whole of their new album ‘The House Beyond The Fires’ which is a pretty brave move. There’s no between-song banter, Ally preferring to let the music do the talking, and the highlights are plentiful. Singles ‘Northwest Coast’ and ‘When The Lights Go Down’ shine brightly, but it’s the newer album tracks which really show an intensity to their live performance.
The sound in The Brudenell is usually spot on and it plays in The Virginmarys favour. Ally’s guitar sounds amazing, crystal clear in the opening strains of the likes of ‘White Knuckle Riding’ and when the distortion and effects kick in on the likes of ‘Dance To The City’, it sounds massive.
There are just two older tracks played tonight, the emotive ‘Look Out For My Brother’ and a killer ‘Just A Ride’ which close the set. The song choice just shows the belief Ally and Danny have in the new material.
Fresh off a European tour and with the new songs bedded in, the Virginmarys are a tight live unit with a fistful of killer tunes that pack a punch and they are a force to be reckoned with.
“Anyone want….a biscuit?” asks Chris Catalyst mid-way through the Eureka Machines triumphant headline set, before happily handing over a box of Family Circle to a more than obliging front row. It’s a bit of a northern ‘in joke’, but Eureka Machines and a certain amount of their fanbase like a good cup of tea and a biscuit. Maybe Eureka Machines are the Rich Tea of the rock n’ roll world? It’s safe, it’s familiar, you know what you’re going to get with a Rich Tea, and when you have one for the first time in a while you forget how bloody good they are…that’s a Eureka Machines show right there!
Enough of the analogies, Chris Catalyst and his band don’t play shows very often these days, which is a shame because his self-proclaimed “silly little band”are actually very bloody good, and they have some top tunes in their arsenal.
They’ve not played a show for 12 months, but it may as well be 12 hours. Tight, comfortable and energetic, it’s like they’ve never been away. Obligatory black suits and white ties, obligatory between-song banter from Chris Catalyst and obligatory power pop filled set list.
Kicking off with ‘Champion The Underdog’ we have a set filled with ridiculously catchy tunes that could give any stadium-filling band a run for their money. ‘Pop Star’ is played early, ‘Being Good Is Ok, But Being Better’s Better’ and ‘Affluenza’ are proper earworms and ‘Wish You Were Her’ is an emotional highlight. Even a cover of The Bangles ‘Walk Like An Egyptian’ is perfection in their hands.
The good news is they have a new album recorded and a new single in the (virtual) shops, and they play that single tonight. ‘Back In The Back Of Beyond’ is typical EM fodder and bodes well for the new album in the new year.
They don’t do encores, but ‘Zero Hero’ rounds up a killer set from one of the country’s best kept secrets. Funny little band? Let’s give the Eureka Machines the credit they deserve.
Author: Ben Hughes
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