The European release of The Unknowns second album, released on Bargain Bin Records in Australia is now out on Drunken Sailor Records in the UK.

The recently expanded four-piece has been bolstered by the addition of The Chats’ Eamon Sandwith on guitar, sees this Brisbane no-nonsense punk release their no frills just business album ‘East Coast Low’. It is not rocket science, it’s punk rock and it’s top-notch punk rock. It manages to draw from some pretty catchy pop tunes and collide it with ragged punk rock Aussie style it has the spirit of The Saints mashed up with The Ramones. It’s energetic, melodic, catchy and bang on the fucking money.

It all kicks off with the infectious big riff-a-rama of ‘Shot Down’. Its snotty, raw and bouncing with attitude. It’s the new school rockin the old school and has a ripping guitar break that’s not flash but spot on. You wont have to play it over and over to join in with the chorus but you’ll be on the bed with the tennis racket ripping out the solo before getting all sweaty with the feedback as the song crashes and burns. However, ‘Dianne’ is like the Dead Boys tipping up with a Ramones Chord book and a bunch of 77 choruses. Perfect!

Its not reinventing the wheel but its cruising along with the tool our forefathers left behind its thunder meets Dee Dee meets the Boys and of Course The Saints and threw them all in the back seat and went cruising round for a killer house party to crash. Garage punk, power pop, and straight-up rock n’ roll its all sewn into the rich tapestry that The Unknowns deliver.

‘East Coast Low’ is ten tracks of anthemic sing-along punk rock n roll and don’t worry about it dragging on it clocks in well under half an hour and is a no brainer if you are looking for a fix of snotty punk n roll done with a carefree attitude ‘Thinking About You’, and ‘I Don’t Know’ and ‘Beat Me’ are full of dumb fun and who doesn’t like that? Its like The Ramones never happened.

We’ve written about Australian Punk Rock and we’ll write about it again right here right now. Punk Rock is in safe hands with them folk down under they sure can rock n roll they do it just about better than most folks do you can now say that The Unknowns are going to come steaming to the front and centre of the cool kids looking for their next fix of sunshine, beer-swilling punk rockers The album crashes and burns with the blinding ‘Supersonic Love’ if AC/DC had grown up on the Ramones and Stooges and had short hair they could have sounded this good. Remember the name kids ‘East Coast Low’ is the Unknowns aiming high and on this evidence they’ve got every chance of success because they certainly got the chops, Buy It!

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Author: Dom Daley